Mitigate payroll compliance risk by accrediting your processes and qualifying your people

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Payroll is responsible for managing the largest expenditure of most businesses. Coupled with the ever-increasing regulations and responsibilities entrusted to payroll, it is paramount for organisations to have competent and knowledgeable payroll professionals managing this function.

We are the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP), the only professional body, supporting and representing the payroll, pensions and reward industry in the UK. We’ve been doing this for over 40 years and provide membership to support professionals throughout their career, offering essential training and qualifications to ensure your payroll teams are competent and your business is compliant.

And that’s not all we offer. Maybe you need support in streamlining and improving your payroll operations, need a system review, or expertise to fix a specific issue? Or perhaps your payroll team and processes are excellent, and you want to demonstrate to your team and customers that you’re dedicated to lifelong learning and development, increasing staff motivation and productivity? Either way, we also offer bespoke consultancy services and the only UK payroll accreditation scheme - developed in partnership with HMRC.

Contact us today to find out how we can help your business thrive.

*denotes a mandatory field