Course of the week: Salary sacrifice and other optional remuneration arrangements

23 April 2018

The salary sacrifice and other optional remuneration arrangements course is designed for individuals who need to implement and run salary sacrifice schemes and other optional remuneration arrangements but have little prior knowledge.

This half-day course explains differences between various optional remuneration arrangements and their legal and payroll-related implications. It considers the range of benefits that typically feature in such arrangements.

Using examples, it examines what makes a successful salary sacrifice arrangement, covers the payroll processing and reporting implications, and highlights the potential impact on state benefits.

The course explains the recent tax and NICs changes for benefits provided through optional remuneration arrangements, including exclusions and transitional arrangements.

On completion, delegates should:

  • Be aware of how salary sacrifice schemes and other optional remuneration  arrangements work
  • Understand the requirements of a successful salary sacrifice scheme
  • Understand the requirements of other optional remuneration arrangements
  • Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of the various schemes

To book onto this course or see what dates and locations are available, visit our website now.