Labour Market Enforcement director seeks views and evidence

21 August 2017

In his Introductory Report, David Metcalf, the director of Labour Market Enforcement sets out the current state of play for the three labour market enforcement bodies:

  • Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA)
  • Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate (EAS)
  • HMRC National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage (HMRC NMW)

The report also explains the role of the director of Labour Market Enforcement and sets out the current evidence on the nature and scale of non-compliance using published data, enforcement data and intelligence.

In a second summary of issues document, the issues on which David Metcalf is focussing for his 2018 to 2019 strategy are detailed and where he is seeking stakeholder views and evidence.

The director has identified a number of areas and questions on which he would appreciate stakeholder feedback, evidence and views around:

  • Development of the intelligence hub
  • Approach to enforcement: issues common to all enforcement bodies
  • Issues specific to each enforcement body

As this is the first full strategy, the director is keen to get a broad understanding of compliance and enforcement issues across sectors, therefore if there are additional issues which you would also like to raise, please do so.

Full details of the questions asked are within the informing Labour Market Enforcement strategy 2018/19: Summary of issues document.

The CIPP policy and research team will be holding a think tank roundtable for CIPP members to meet with the director of LME to feed directly in to this consultation. The meeting will be held in London in September and attendance will be granted on a first come first served basis. If you wish to attend this event please respond promptly to the invitation as you receive it or contact the Samantha Mann, senior policy and research officer by email to [email protected].