Join in as TaxAid celebrates its Silver Anniversary

17 September 2018

2018 marks the Silver Anniversary of TaxAid which was set up 25 years ago by tax professionals who were concerned that people on low incomes were suffering significantly because they could not afford tax advice. Since then the demand for help has grown because the tax system has become much more complex for those on low incomes. 

TaxAid are keen to run a pilot scheme with a willing London employer whereby they provide free tax ‘surgeries’ for eligible staff at a suitable venue which will include the provision of a free review of their tax position and training in “tax basics” to give them a better understanding of how the tax system works and common pitfalls to avoid.  In some cases, this may end up being a simple PAYE Code review but other staff may be renting out a room in their flat, be self-employed at the weekends or have a historic tax issue that they need advice on.

In cases where particular employees needed ongoing or detailed support with a complex or historic tax issue, a one-to-one hour-long appointment with an adviser in the TaxAid Kennington office can be arranged.  Telephone support for employees not able to attend a surgery would also be made available.

TaxAid would like to hear from employers who would like to take up this free opportunity for their employee support programme in 2018. Employers working in hospitality, retail or care or a sector within which employees wouldn’t normally have ready or affordable access to tax professionals are encouraged to consider this free celebration opportunity.

If you are a London based employer and are interested in putting your name forward for the benefit of your employees please contact Samantha Mann CIPP senior policy and research officer at [email protected].