Test service updates for 2018/19 FPS/EPS and 2017/18 EYU

26 September 2017

A message for payroll software developers has been issued by HMRC.

“We are pleased to advise that the v1-0 of the RTI RIM artefacts for 2018/19 (2018/19 FPS, 2018/19 EPS and NVR),  along with the 2017/18 EYU message, are now available to be tested within TPVS/VSIPS, Local Test Service (LTS) and the new Transaction Engine External Test Service (ETS).

The 2018/19 messages are based on v1-0 of the published artefacts,  we will be updating the 2018/19 FPS message in early October for the mandatory reporting of the student loan plan type when including any student loan deductions during the pay period in data item 67.

We are working towards the following timelines for the revised version of the 2018/19 FPS message:

  • 5 October: revised RIM artefacts available
  • 16 October: LTS updated with revised artefacts
  • 23 October: TPVS, VSIPS and ETS updated with revised artefacts

Please feel free to contact the team with any queries.”