Sunmola Adeyemo

Senior Payroll Specialist at City of London University

So, what attracted you to the CIPP membership?

The thing that attracted me to the CIPP membership was because I wanted to progress in the payroll field so I looked for where I could do that, I went online and I was able to find the CIPP online and I went into the website and looked at what they had and I was attracted to the foundation degree course they had.

What made you choose to study with the CIPP?

I looked at the course content, it was going to be three years to do the foundation degree, but I knew it was going to be worth it because every year had different models that were going to shape me into progressing in my career.

Tell us about a time when you or your department has felt the benefit and support of the CIPP.

So, because I am now graduated and I have access to the advisory team, so I usually call them when we get stuck in the office on how to do some calculations sometimes, and the last testing we had to do for the new tax year, we got stuck because the tables for the manual calculations were not yet on the HMRC website, so I called the advisory team and we walked from the old tables to the figures that were going to be used for the new tables. And when the new tables were released it worked out exactly as the calculations we did with the advisory team.

For someone that was thinking about joining as a member, what would your advice be for what they would gain from joining?

I would say that they would gain a lot, their confidence level would go up because when I joined and I started studying I found that when I conversed with other payrollers my confidence level went up, and when I went for interviews, I always had answers to all of the questions I had been asked and even if I didn’t have the answers, I had the confidence to tell them I knew where to get the answers, so that helped me a lot.

Why is it important to you that you became a member of the CIPP?

It was important to remain a member even after I finished my study because I knew I could get access to the advisory team, I knew I would be up-to-date with payroll updates, I knew I would be up-to-date with legislation before other payrollers most times and for networking purposes.

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