Automatic enrolment: development of Declaration of Compliance

01 June 2015

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is planning to develop an Applications Programme Interface (API) to get employer's Staging Date and to nominate a point of contact for communications purposes.

They are now also considering developing an API for the Declaration of Compliance (DoC).

This would offer industry software/solution providers a computer to computer interface to allow employers or their representatives to make their DoC without having to go onto TPR’s website or send them a file.

However, TPR is uncertain of the level of demand for a DoC API, so they are asking for any interested parties to answer the short list of questions below (in confidence) by emailing Neil Esslemont, Head of Industry Liaison at the Pensions Regulator, at [email protected].

1) Name of organisation:

2) Size of current client base (employers):

3) Forecast number of clients (employers) by end 2016:

4) My proposition includes (answer all that apply):

- a. Payroll software Y/N

- b. Non-payroll software Y/N

- c. Pension scheme provision Y/N

- d. One stop shop solution Y/N

5) My interest in the DoC API is (answer all that apply):

- a. I would consider implementing an API in my software/solution if TPR committed to launching one Y/N

- b. I would definitely implement an API within a year of TPR committing to launching one Y/N

- c. I would definitely implement an API within 3 to 4 months of TPR committing to launching one Y/N


Friends of automatic enrolment

In response to widespread market anxiety with automatic enrolment, particularly around “capacity crunch” issues, the CIPP launched the Friends of automatic enrolment on 16 January 2014. It is the first and only organisation in the country that is both a pensions automatic enrolment discussion forum and a mechanism for employers to find solutions.

It is free to join Friends of automatic enrolment, whether you are an employer, a market participant, a trade body, a professional association, a trades union; in fact any type of organisation can get involved.

Visit the CIPP’s website to find out more about Friends of automatic enrolment.