Automatic enrolment and seasonal summer workers

22 June 2015

If you or your client employs seasonal workers, you need to make sure you are fully conversant with how they need to be treated under the automatic enrolment regulations. This can be a very complex task if a lot of people on a variety of contracts are employed, and there is frequent staff turnover.

One option employers may wish to explore is postponement, which offers additional flexibility by enabling them to delay assessing staff for up to three months. However, The Pension Regulator’s research has shown that some employers mistakenly believe that postponement pushes back the actual date that the new duties start to apply to them. This is not the case; if you postpone from your staging date, your staging date does not change

You will find full details of how to use postponement on The Pensions Regulator’s website.

The checking who to enrol page in the business adviser area has information on assessing clients' staff, including more detailed guides for complex workforce scenarios.