Use of TPR’s Automatic Enrolment enforcement powers back to pre-pandemic levels
13 September 2021
In The Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) latest compliance and enforcement bulletin, figures demonstrate that the overall use of its Automatic Enrolment (AE) enforcement powers are back to levels observed prior to the pandemic.
TPR has used this opportunity to warn employers not to neglect their AE responsibilities as the economy recovers.
The total use of AE powers between January and June 2021 increased to 77,032, in comparison to the figure of 41,398 for July to December 2020. In the six-month period (October 2019 to March 2020) prior to the pandemic, the total use of powers was 73,164.
From January to June 2021, TPR issued:
• 35,087 Compliance Notices
• 11,921 Unpaid Contributions Notices
• 22,542 Fixed Penalty Notices
• 7,407 Escalating Penalty Notices
Over the duration of the pandemic, TPR ensured it closely monitored compliance and used its powers where necessary to ensure that employers met their obligations. It is important to note, however, that compliance with the law, including maintaining pensions contributions, remained high.
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