Bring your client?s staging date forward
23 June 2016
If you have clients who want to bring their staging date forward The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has made a change to help simplify the process. The requirement for employers to give TPR a month’s notice if they want to bring forward their staging date has now been removed. They will still need to let TPR know they’re doing it, but it can now be at any point on or before their new staging date.
It is worth noting though, that employers who do have staff to automatically enrol need to agree the new date with the pension provider first, and the staging date will still need to be the first of the month.
However, employers without anyone to automatically enrol can now bring forward their staging date to any date they choose. They can also declare their compliance at the same time, so their duties are completed.
These employers no longer have to set up a pension scheme – unless a worker asks to join one, or if they subsequently have staff to automatically enrol.
Find out more about bringing your client’s staging date forward.