BDO produces P11D guide

17 May 2017

BDO has produced a handy guide to help payroll professional’s complete P11D and P11D(B) forms.

This step-by-step guide aims to help completing P11Ds more straightforward, at what is considered to be a very busy time for those working in the payroll profession.

Click here to read the guide:

P11D Guide 2016-17 sponsored by CIPP


In addition, those looking to understand more about the P11D process are also being invited to attend the CIPP’s P11D Expenses and Benefits course.

It covers a multitude of topics including the tax and National Insurance Contributions (NIC) treatment of expense payments and benefits in kind which can often be complex.

It is designed to guide delegates through the complexities of the tax and NICs rules and to provide them with clarity and confidence.

Click here for more information.