CIPP Survey HMRC Penalties: A Discussion Document
30 March 2015
HMRC has published a discussion document that aims to consider how they can change how penalties are applied as they transform their services to deliver more through Digital technology.
The CIPP Policy Team has created a survey that will collate your thoughts, opinions, views and experiences to feed in to the response that the CIPP will submit.
In the survey the term NUDGE is used. NUDGE techniques use psychology to affect behavioral change – in the context of penalties, their aim is to improve the collection of taxes which in turn reduces the number of penalties.
Thank you in advance for your responses, depending on your answers we would anticipate that this survey should take a maximum of 10 – 15 minutes. All responses are completely anonymous however, if you have further comments about the current penalty regime that you would like to submit to the Policy team, please contact policy.
The survey will close on the 23 April.