CIPP response to TPR consultation on helping users of Basic PAYE Tools with the automatic enrolment calculations
19 May 2015
The CIPP has submitted its response to the Pensions Regulators consultation on helping users of HMRC’s Basic PAYE Tools with their automatic enrolment calculations.
An electronic survey was issued to members of the CIPP and also to members of the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT). There were 62 replies which form the basis of the response.
Summarising the findings…
- More than three quarters of respondents (78%) agreed that there was a need for the Pensions Regulator to develop a tool for BPT users.
- Almost 72% of respondents agreed that the proposed tool is the right way to avoid the risks identified by TPR.
- As might be expected due to the diverse mix of respondents, responses were mixed as to the level of functionality the tool should provide. When filtered to show responses from only the very smallest of employers, they believe the tool should provide everything a small employer needs so there should be no need for them to visit the marketplace.
In conclusion, there is overwhelming agreement that the Pensions Regulator should develop a tool to help users of HMRC’s Basic PAYE Tools, however opinions on the form this tool should take differ, quite naturally, depending on the industry sector of the respondent. However, as was mentioned by respondents to the survey, these problems were also faced when HMRC developed its Basic PAYE Tools and have now been overcome. There is no reason to suggest that a tool developed by the Pensions Regulator would not be able to position itself in a similar way.
We will keep members updated as this project progresses.
You can view the full response to this consultation through the link below.