Course of the week: Apprenticeship levy and funding

24 April 2017

Who should attend?

The apprenticeship levy and funding course is perfect for anyone who needs to understand how the apprenticeship levy and levy allowance are calculated and paid over to HMRC, whether manual calculations are made or software systems are utilised. Anyone who needs to understand the new arrangements for funding future apprenticeships.

The course covers the devolved funding arrangements across the UK. The content will be updated as and when additional details become available.

Course aims

On completion, delegates should:

  • Understand the purpose of the apprenticeship levy, how it is calculated and how amounts are paid over to HMRC
  • Understand the purpose of the levy allowance, how it is calculated and how it can be shared or reallocated within ‘connected companies’ and for employers with more than one PAYE reference
  • Appreciate the implications of employee data on how an employer’s levy payments are allocated across the UK
  • Understand how to access apprenticeship funding for apprenticeships in various parts of the UK.

Dates coming up:

9 May - Edinburgh

24 May - London

22 June - London

For more information on this course, please email us at [email protected] or call us on 0121 712 1063. 

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