Policy Think Tank

14 July 2016

The CIPP is holding a Think Tank to discuss the issues raised in the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) report on the closer alignment of income tax and National Insurance contributions.

The invitation to attend the Policy Think Tank is open to full and fellow members of the CIPP. You may have already received a personal invitation by email but depending on your preference settings within your member profile, you may not have received this information directly.

The Policy and Research team believes that no knowledge is ever wasted and the CIPP Think Tanks look to take steps to ensure that the wealth of knowledge and experience that is held by full and fellow members can be harnessed to the full.

We would like to invite you to join us in Nottingham on 8 August 2016 when we will be holding a Think Tank, hosted by MHR, that will offer members an opportunity to discuss the issues raised in the OTS report and feed in their views and comments to the development of this work. To secure your place, please email us no later than Monday 1 August 2016. Comments made at this event will feed in to the outcome of the OTS review.

The Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) report on closer alignment of income tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs) set out a seven-stage programme for bringing the two regimes closer together.

The Chancellor in his March Budget announced that the OTS were to be commissioned to review the impacts of moving employee NICs to an annual, cumulative and aggregated basis and moving employer NICs to a payroll basis.

Think Tank lead:

Samantha Mann MAAT, MCIPPdip; CIPP senior policy and research officer

Date and time:

1pm – 3pm Monday 8 August 2016

Open to:

CIPP full and fellow members from industry sectors which may be particularly affected by this legislation


MHR, Nottingham


Business attire


12.45 - Registration
13.00 - Open with introductions
13.10 - Presentation from OTS
13.25 - Roundtable discussion and debate
14:55 - Conclusion and next steps - CIPP
15.00 - Close

To encourage debate and participation, this CIPP Think Tank will take the form of a round-table forum, so numbers are strictly limited and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

To secure your place, please email policy no later than Monday 1 August 2016.

We would also like to say thank you to MHR for allowing us to host the event at their offices.