Developing a standard for data transfer to credit unions
12 October 2015
As part of our drive to help support credit unions, we currently in the process of developing a data standard to help reduce the amount of work required by payroll departments to set employees up with a credit union.
With this in mind, we are asking members to comment on the proposed to help refine the standard to ensure that it is universally understood and easy to follow.
The format that will be used for the standard will be a .CSV file. This format has been chosen to enable ease of transition from payroll systems to a credit union, to Excel spreadsheets (all versions of Excel will be able to open this file type), as opposed to just copying the data directly from the source, this way the formatting is kept the same, reducing errors.
To provide feedback click the appropriate link to email the CIPP office:
I support the standard in its current format
I propose changes to the standard
To find out more about the work that the CIPP is doing to support credit unions and encourage employers to offer saving through payroll as part of their benefit strategy, click here or email us.