05 August 2010
As we mentioned last week, the government has published a consultation detailing plans to phase out the Default Retirement Age (DRA) over a six month period from April next year. We have created a short survey to obtain your views on how this change may affect employers which will close 24 September. A summary of information has been provided within the survey to hopefully save you some time whilst completing but for in depth detail you may want to refer to the full consultation document. We estimate it will only take you about 15 minutes to complete the survey and appreciate you taking the time to do so.
The government will also be using at least four other research reports as part of their review:
Pathways to retirement: The influence of employer policy and practice on retirement decisions: This report presents research exploring the attitudes and experiences of individuals in relation to the effect of the employer on their retirement decisions.
Review of the Default Retirement Age: Summary of the stakeholder evidence:This report summarises external stakeholder evidence for and against a default retirement age.
Second survey of employers’ policies, practices and preferences relating to age, 2010: This report presents findings from a survey of employers carried out to enable evaluation of the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations which was implemented in 2006 and the DRA.
A comparative review of international approaches to mandatory retirement: This research study was designed to examine international approaches to mandatory retirement from published evidence.