Employment and Payroll Group minutes published

13 May 2015

The minutes from the March 2015 meeting of the Employment and Payroll Group (EPG) have now been made available.

The minutes can be downloaded through the CIPP’s new SIG ‘Policy hub’ located under Membership/My CIPP on the CIPP website.

The CIPP has just revamped the Specialist Interest Groups (SIGs) so members will need to update their SIGs to be alerted to items posted on the Policy hub or any other chosen SIG.

See our recent news item for full details on the SIG changes.


The minutes from the March EPG meeting will also be published on the GOV.UK website shortly and can be accessed through the Employment and Payroll Group.

Employment and Payroll Group

The Employment and Payroll Group replaced the Employment Consultation Forum in December 2014. The EPG is HMRC’s principal forum for HMRC, and other government departments, to engage with the employment and payroll community. It focuses on high-level operational policy and process issues. It provides a forum through which members can raise and discuss issues or problems in administering payroll obligations or in relation to employment tax issues more generally.

The CIPP’s Karen Thomson co-chairs this forum with HMRC so remember if you have any agenda items, or any issues you would like raised please email policy with the details