GOV.UK Verify technical update

11 August 2016

In their first technical delivery update the team explained that there are 3 parts to GOV.UK Verify and the delivery team is responsible for building and maintaining 2 of them: the GOV.UK Verify hub and Document Checking Service.

Currently, they are working on 3 technical delivery priorities:

  • increasing adoption (by departments) of GOV.UK Verify;
  • improving the completion rate for GOV.UK Verify users; and
  • improving and maintaining GOV.UK Verify.

Now that GOV.UK Verify is live, the work to maintain and improve the service continues at pace. Follow the link below to read a summary of what the delivery team has been working on since their last update back in July and what they plan to do next.

Read the summary from the GOV.UK Verify Blog

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