Government Gateway Transition and Transformation
10 August 2016
HMRC’s Software Developers Support Team (SDST) has provided information which details changes to the Government Gateway service over the next two years. As part of this project they need software developers to please complete a short questionnaire.
In summary, the changes are set out below but SDST has also provided a slide presentation which provides further information on the changes, the impacts on software developers and also actions required.
Project RATE (Replication of APIs for Transaction Engine) - the main change affecting third-party applications will be a new domain name of the URL for the Transaction Engine end points and
Project EMAC - to understand how many software developers provide applications that use the Government Gateway Public API, documented here, SDST need you to please complete a short questionnaire by 15 August (also detailed in the presentation).
Project GG3 - the new Government Gateway service is expected to focus on credential management and authentication and will incorporate enhancements to security. SDST will provide further information on the outcome of Discovery and future engagement and involvement in September 2016.
For further information see the SDST slide presentation.