Correction to HMRC's Business Tax Dashboard
14 March 2014
HMRC has published the following on their What's New web page.
Correction to HMRC's Business Tax Dashboard
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has corrected an issue which had resulted in some employment records being incorrectly merged on its systems.
The issue affected some employers who employ an individual to do more than one job within the same PAYE scheme. In some instances, the issue resulted in these separate employments being merged in error. This has now been fixed.
Before HMRC corrected the issue affected employer accounts will have been incorrect on HMRC's Business Tax Dashboard.
HMRC has updated the employer records affected and the Business Tax Dashboard will shortly show corrected figures for the affected employers as follows:
- Employers who have been paying the right amount of tax (based on their payroll) should see their accounts now balance on the Business Tax Dashboard. Prior to the records being updated they will have been in a credit position.
- Dependent on individual circumstances, employers who have been paying the amount that the Dashboard said that they owed (rather than the amount based on their payroll) may end up in debt position when the record is updated.
- Some employers may see no change at all.
If an employer will have difficulty paying any extra money owed, they should follow the guidance below:
HMRC are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.