How does your organisation measure up?
04 June 2019
The CIPP benchmarking exercise is back for 2019. The survey and subsequent report are available exclusively to our full, fellow, Chartered and Payroll Assurance Scheme members.
We have made some significant changes to the question bank for the 2019 survey, learning from feedback from previous participants as well as trying to focus more clearly on our twin benchmarking objectives of identification and comparison. So, of the revised questions for 2019,
- some are about identification – distinguishing groups of payroll teams with similar characteristics, based on things like geography or industry or size or other features
- some are about comparison – telling us about volumes or values of events: overpayments or errors or costs for example; and
- some are about both
Whether you have been involved with CIPP benchmarking in previous years or not, please join in the exercise. The more data we receive the more useful will be the results, and the faster we can move forward to produce better and more useful data still.