National Audit Office Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2015-16

04 July 2016

The NAO is an organisation with a far-reaching mission to secure improvements in the way public services are delivered and this first annual report has been published as part of their three-year diversity and inclusion strategy which highlights that the NAO have made good progress under each of the three strategic pillars:

  • Talent pipeline
  • Inclusive work environment
  • Diversity in the work of the NAO

Amyas Morse, Comptroller and Auditor General says in the press release that accompanied the reports publication that “There has been a strong focus in 2015-16 on inclusion in the workplace, and we have introduced a new approach to flexible working, trusting our people to work in a way which meets personal and business needs. Our support of Access Accountancy and the social mobility agenda has also continued with the introduction of a work experience programme for school pupils. Focusing on diversity in our work is also something we take seriously, as it helps drive improvement in the services delivered by our clients.

Although we have made some progress there are still areas where we need to improve. We recognise, for example, that our talent pipeline is not as diverse as we would like and selection will be a particular focus over the next year.”

The report can be accessed and read in full along with a separate report on equality data which has been published in recognition of the NAO commitment to the Public Sector Equality Duty.