NISPI contracting out bulletin
25 June 2015
With only 9 months to go until the ending of contracting out, the latest National Insurance Services to Pensions Industry (NISPI) Bulletin warns that schemes must send an expression of interest to use the Scheme Reconciliation Service before 5 April 2016.
If you do not register before 5 April 2016, you cannot use the service.
NISPI’s bulletins are for pension scheme administrators, covering details and updates about the ending of contracting-out in April 2016.
The June 2015 edition of the Countdown bulletin also covers:
- Customer Relations Manager
- DWP/HMRC Pensions Conferences 2015 - Issues and updates
- DWP Update - State Pension toolkit, Regulations and State Pension statements for the over 55s
- GMP Micro Service
- Where to direct customer by enquiry type
- Useful links