National Living Wage: LPC looking for volunteers

03 May 2016

The Low Pay Commission are looking for volunteers to take part in some research which will enable them to monitor anonymised payroll data to track over time what the true impact of the National Living Wage is.

The gains to the business are:

a) providing hard evidence of NLW impacts with the potential to influence policy

b) possible insights into how staff are progressing over time.

Volunteer costs, as such would be limited to time to provide the information and managing concerns re confidentiality.

We would like to stress that what is being looked for is anonymised payroll data only at company level i.e. pay and hours.

If any members with minimum wage employees would be interested in helping the LPC with their research, please email policy with LPC NLW research in the subject box.


Think Tank

The CIPP Policy Team is also in the process of organising a National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage 2017 Think Tank, to be held in London in June (date TBC), to support the survey research and our consultation submission to the LPC consultation paper.

If anyone outside of the Greater London Area is interested in attending, please email policy with NLW NMW Think Tank in the subject box.