New Pensions Online Digital Service - volunteers needed for user research

15 November 2017

HMRC is introducing a new Pensions Online Digital Service and is looking for Pension Scheme Administrators (PSAs) to take part in user research and provide feedback on a prototype of the new service.

If you would like to take part in the user research, you can email HMRC for full details at: [email protected]. Please put ‘user research’ in the subject line of your email.


In Pension Schemes Newsletter 89 HMRC explained that pension scheme registration and administration will move onto the Pensions Online Digital Service so that they can improve the service for PSAs.

The plan was to migrate existing registered pension schemes as well as scheme administrator IDs across to the new service from April 2019. However, to allow existing administrators to register new schemes on the new service, HMRC has decided to transfer existing scheme administrator data onto the new service a year earlier, by April 2018.

HMRC will cleanse the data before thee move this across so they only migrate up to date details to the new service, but they need help with this. All PSAs should log onto the pensions schemes online as soon as possible and check that their scheme administrator details are complete and up to date. Section 6 of pension schemes newsletter 90 contains further details.