Only one in every forty new jobs is full-time, says TUC
12 November 2014
The share of UK jobs accounted for by full-time employees fell during the recession and has failed to recover, according to new analysis published by the TUC.
We are grateful to the TUC for this report and comments.
The analysis shows that the share of full-time employee jobs was 64 per cent in 2008 and fell to 62 per cent in 2014. This is equivalent to a shortfall of 669,000 full-time employees.
Just one in every forty of the net jobs added to the economy between 2008 and 2014 has been a full-time employee job. Over the same period 24 in every 40 net jobs added have been self-employed, and 26 in every 40 have been part-time.
The TUC recognises that part-time and self-employment are both important options for many people. However, despite recent economic growth the number of part-time employees who say they want full-time hours is still twice what it was before the recession at 1.3 million people.
The TUC believes that the rise in self-employment is at least in part a result of people who are unable to find employee jobs being forced into false self-employment – an exploitation of workers used by some companies to evade taxes and avoid respecting employment rights and entitlements such as holiday pay, sick pay and pensions.
TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “While more people are in work there are still far too few full-time employee jobs for everyone who wants one. It means many working families are on substantially lower incomes as they can only find reduced hours jobs or low-paid self-employment. The Chancellor has said he wants full employment, but that should mean full-time jobs for everyone who wants them. At the moment the economy is still not creating enough full-time employee jobs to meet demand.”