Office for Tax Simplification competitiveness review
22 May 2014
The Office for Tax Simplification (OTS) is currently looking for ways to improve the competitiveness of the UK tax administration, focussing particularly on the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) sector.
In order to do this the OTS wants to consider how the UK tax administration impacts on all sizes and types of business. As well as looking for ways of improving the system, they also want to hear what people think are the good features of our tax system. After all, they may provide lessons for improving other areas.
This project has been going for some weeks now and one immediate point to emerge is that they cannot consider the competitiveness of the UK’s tax administration solely in terms of administrative aspects. They also need to factor in technical matters, although many of these will immediately raise policy considerations that may be outside the OTS’s brief.
The CIPP would like to feed your views in to the OTS review. This survey gives you the opportunity to explain any of the obstacles you come across when trying to comply with the PAYE regulations or indeed any of the processes you find run smoothly. The survey is very short and should only take you around 10 minutes to complete, although that of course depends on how much you need to tell us!
The survey will close on 19 June 2014. Thank you for your help.