Paid too much or too little tax?

12 August 2015

HMRC has published advice on what to do if you have underpaid or overpaid income tax . There is also a short YouTube video which may be useful to share with clients or employees.

If an individual has overpaid or underpaid tax during the tax year, HMRC will notify them between now and October 2015 via a P800 tax calculation.

What you need to do

If you get a P800 tax calculation, please check the details are correct.

You can:

  • compare the figures used with your own records, such as your P60, P11d, bank statements or letters from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • use the HMRC tax checker to check how much tax you should have paid

You don’t need to do anything if the calculation is correct.

If you’ve underpaid tax

If you haven’t paid enough tax, HMRC will usually change your tax code for the next year to collect the money you owe. This happens automatically so you won’t need to do anything and don’t need to contact them.

Sometimes HMRC can’t collect the money you owe through your tax code, for example, if you’re now out of work. In this case, they will write to you explaining how to pay the money you owe.

If you’ve overpaid tax

If you have paid too much tax, HMRC will automatically send you a cheque within 14 days of receipt of your P800. You won’t need to do anything and you don’t need to contact HMRC.

Visit GOV.UK to view the short YouTube video.