Payrolling Benefits in Kind guidance amended

09 November 2015

Following feedback from users, HMRC has amended guidance on using the new Payrolling Benefits in Kind service - Tax your employees' benefits and expenses through your payroll.

We reported on 12 October that the Payrolling online service is now open for registration.

You can now register to use the new Payrolling Benefits in Kind (PBIK) online service to tax your employees’ benefits and expenses through the payroll from April 2016. To avoid being sent multiple tax codes for your employees you need to register before the annual coding process which usually starts around 21 December.

From 6 April 2016 you will need to use the new Payrolling Benefits in Kind (PBIK) online service if you want to payroll your expenses and benefits. This new service replaces the current informal payrolling process and if used, then from 2016, P11Ds for employees will no longer need to be submitted to HMRC.