Managing Scottish Public Sector Budgets Conference: Ideas for challenging times

11 August 2014

This 6th annual conference on public sector budgets will continue the themes of previous years in seeking new ways to deliver services at lower cost, innovating to make existing budgets deliver higher service levels and showcasing working models of partnership which have already delivered proven savings.
Public sector budgets face severe challenges in the years ahead as the acute end of the austerity squeeze takes hold. The outlook for budgets remains bleak as the drive to reduce public sector borrowing and debt continues. However many organisations in the public sector are finding ways to innovate and deliver change in ways which deliver far more value than simply cost cutting. The challenge is to:

  • Find significant cash-releasing efficiency savings in the context of the overall financial picture
  • Secure realistic and achievable plans for service improvement across prioritised services
  • Identify mechanisms for investment in staff development, process improvement and new technology platforms to deliver more efficient services
  • Develop new partnership models

This conference will feature a range of case studies whose core themes will aim to share how to:

  • Build new models of business, service delivery and partnership
  • Deliver changed services strategically, avoiding the costly mistakes of top slicing budgets
  • Restructure what you’ve got, to deliver leaner, more efficient services
  • Adopt and adapting what is already being done elsewhere to help in your own circumstances

For more informatio about this event, please visit our webpage or email Serena. Bookings can be made by visiting the website.