Michelle Sutton

Head of compensation and reward at Suez Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd

What attracted you to CIPP membership?

I heard about CIPP through a recruitment agency in the early 2000s and it seemed to be what employers wanted. So, I thought I’m going to do the qualification and then become a member.

It’s like a family, you get to network and get to know everything that’s going on in payroll. You get advice - great advice - and share information via the networking, the information groups and the consultations; and it’s just about becoming more professional.

Which benefits in particular attracted you to membership of the CIPP?

The benefits that attracted me the most to the CIPP membership package were the Advisory Service and the magazine. The Advisory Service is fantastic, with a really quick response to all your queries, and they help you get things right first time, which is really important.

I get the magazine posted and online regularly. It has a wealth of information about what’s happening now and what’s coming. So it keeps me on top of my game.

Also, the fact that by becoming a qualified member it gives employers trust in you, as a professional.

What would your advice be to someone who was thinking about joining as a member of the CIPP?

If someone was thinking about joining as a member of the CIPP, and wanted to know more about membership – I would be a real ambassador because I just think that it is the only way to really keep on top of your job and all the changes that occur in the industry.

We are in charge of so much in our departments - as payroll managers and heads of department - and you have just got to use that network around you in order to be on top of the work. Legislation is changing all of the time, and the CIPP are out there in front, in the consultations, telling you what’s going to happen, what’s going to change and the impact on you and your business – so it’s a no-brainer, you have got to join.

Why was it important for you to be a member of the CIPP?

It was important for me, because I wanted to be qualified and become an expert in my field, and the CIPP offer the benchmark qualification in payroll so for me it was an easy decision. I loved it, and embraced it, and I make sure I continue with my continuing professional development because I want to be the best in my field.

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