Consultation on alignment of dates for making-good on benefits-in-kind

12 August 2016

A consultation has been published to explore the scope for aligning the ‘making good’ rules for benefits-in-kind with those which apply to ‘making good’ where the employer accounts for the benefit-in-kind in real time through PAYE.

It was announced at Budget 2016 that the government would consult on proposals to align the dates by which an employee has to make a payment to their employer in return for a benefit-in-kind they receive, in order to ‘make good’.

The aim is to have a simpler and clearer system that makes it easier for employers and employees to understand their obligations.

The consultation on alignment of dates for making-good on benefits-in-kind will run until 4 October 2016.

Watch out for a survey from the CIPP Policy team as we will be asking for your feedback to inform our formal response.

The government will publish details of the consultation responses and expects to make an announcement at Autumn Statement 2016 on any decisions made in light of those responses.