CIPP & HMRC survey Payrolling Benefits in Kind
08 March 2019
The CIPP policy team hear many positive comments about the Payrolling of Benefits in Kind Service from members who have chosen to register in order to payroll the value of their benefits – however numbers registering remain low.
The CIPP is running a survey together with HMRC to gather information to help inform HMRC of the biggest barriers that currently exist which prevent employers and their agents from electing to Payroll their Benefits in Kind (BiKs).
The survey will help to provide an indication of the areas that require reform and also help to reduce the administrative burden on employers.
The survey will close on 15 March 2019 and should take approximately ten minutes to complete. Thank you.
CIPP comment
We know that one of the biggest barriers for agents is that they cannot register for the Payrolling of Benefits in Kind service on behalf of their clients. The policy team would very much value hearing all views within this survey – together with feedback to policy about how you have overcome this particular barrier.