20 July 2023

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) has opened the new consultation ‘Labour Market Enforcement Strategy 2024 to 2025: call for evidence’, on 17 July 2023. This call for evidence sets out the issues on which Margaret Beels, the Director of Labour Market Enforcement, seeks evidence to inform her strategy for 2024/25.

This call for evidence seeks evidence and views covering emerging trends and risks to labour market non-compliance. The role of Director of Labour Market Enforcement was created in 2017 to bring together a coherent assessment of the extent of labour market exploitation, identifying routes to tackle exploitation and harnessing the strength of the three main enforcement bodies: HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) National Minimum Wage; the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA); and the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate (EAS).The Labour Market Enforcement Strategy for 2024/25 is due to be delivered to government in autumn 2023. For this DBT are seeking:

  • written feedback on these questions and any relevant evidence
  • stakeholder engagement (round table meetings and partner visits) to hear views and evidence from stakeholders directly, scheduled for July and August 2023.

This call for evidence is structured in three sections:

  • section 1: about you
  • section 2: questions relating to the four themes
    • improving the radar picture to have a better understanding of the non-compliance threat
    • improving focus and effectiveness of the compliance and enforcement work of the three bodies under remit
    • better joined-up thinking to minimise the opportunities for exploitation of gaps in employment protection
    • improving engagement with employers and support for workers
  • section 3: other issues you may wish to raise.

DBT welcome partners hosting a roundtable that the director and the Office of the Director of Labour Market Enforcement (ODLME) officials can attend to discuss any of these issues. DBT are particularly keen to hear your views if you are a worker.

This consultation closes on 8 September 2023.

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