Consultation on part-time undergraduate maintenance loan

09 November 2016

A consultation has been published which seeks views on the details of the proposed income contingent loans for undergraduate part-time study.

Geographical extent - Higher Education is a devolved matter in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland so the proposed loan product would be available to UK nationals who are eligible students ordinarily resident in England as well as non-UK nationals who meet the eligibility and residency requirements. The primary focus of this consultation is therefore England-based stakeholders. However, since the proposed loan can be used by eligible students for their studies at eligible HEIs UK-wide views are also welcomed from interested stakeholders from around the UK.

This consultation seeks views and evidence on the introduction of the part-time maintenance loan.

The maximum length of loan eligibility is based upon the student completing their part-time course in no more than four times the period required to complete a full-time equivalent course. As such the maximum length would be 16 years; reflecting a four year Full Time Equivalent (FTE) qualification studied at 25% annual intensity.

The annual maximum loan available would vary per individual according to their intensity of study relative to the Full Time Equivalent.

The loan would be available to individuals doing an Equivalent or Lower Qualification (ELQ) in certain STEM subject areas in line with existing Regulations.

The loan would be available to individuals studying any Level 6 part-time qualification.

The loan would be available to individuals studying on ‘distance learning’ courses.

The loan will not be available until academic year 2018/19.

The consultation on part-time undergraduate maintenance loan closes on 16 December 2016.