HMRC’s Agent Forum
20 December 2017
The new Agent Forum (AF) launched in July 2017 and provides a valuable service for agents. It provides an opportunity for agents to:
Raise potential widespread issues
Provide evidence to support an issue
Receive updates on current issues
Suggest solutions or disagree with an item
View recently cleared issues
Suggest ideas for operational improvements
The forum is continuing to increase its reach. This is evidenced by the following measures up to and including November 2017:
239 registered agents
156 issues (topics) raised - live and cleared
966 associated posted messages - live and cleared
14,357 total AF views
The AF is hosted within the HMRC online forum in an area dedicated to agents. It is in the private beta test and learn stage, so membership is currently restricted to members of Professional Bodies (PB).
To find out more about AF, see the December edition (63) of HMRC’s Agent Update.