28 July 2023

The CIPP policy team are here to keep you updates on the latest goings on in the payroll world, but as payroll professionals we become a key point for employees when they have concerns about money.

We are therefore always on the look out for tools that you can use to help employees with managing their money and financial wellbeing. The government has released a new online tool that could do just that and may be a good thing to signpost employees to if appropriate.

The digital midlife MOT tool is aimed at people aged 45 to 65 as they need to think seriously about future planning but can be used by anyone regardless of age. The tool has three section:

  • your work
  • your health
  • your money.

Each section has a range of links and resources from the NHS, Mind, MoneyHelper, Citizens Advice and the Department for Work and Pension’s (DWP). This forms part of the package of support for older workers announce in the 2022 spending review.

Have a dive in and see if there are any resources that you or your employees should be made aware of.

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