The CIPP’s payrolling of benefits factsheet is available

09 January 2020

The CIPP intends to build on the content currently included in its Resource Library to give its members the most up to date and concise information to assist payroll professionals in their day to day roles.

We understand that the lives of payroll practitioners are extremely busy so we wanted to produce documents that provide key information relating to crucial areas of payroll, that can be printed off and digested in a small amount of time.

A new factsheet including key points relating to the processing of benefits through payroll, as opposed to via P11D at the end of a tax year, has been published online and can be accessed here:

The information included relates to:

  • What payrolling of benefits is
  • Key facts
  • Advantages of payrolling benefits
  • What can / can’t be payrolled
  • Calculation of payrolling benefits
  • Informally payrolling benefits
  • Key dates


Information provided in this news article may be subject to change. Please make note of the date of publication to ensure that you are viewing up to date information.