Updated starter checklist released

26 February 2020

HRMC’s Software Developer Support Team (SDST) has circulated an updated and improved starter checklist form, for completion by new employees so that their new employer can create their payroll record and include them on Full Payment Submissions (FPS).

The new version can be located here, and has been amended to reflect user research, which has resulted in improvements to the wording of the questions for the employee statement. The questions require new starters to select statement A, B or C, and the option selected can dictate which tax code they are placed on, if no useable P45 is provided.  The starter checklist is also important as it requires new employees to confirm if they have a student loan, and if so, which plan type they are on, and allows new starters to confirm where they have a postgraduate loan. The new form can be used immediately, but the previous version can be used where old stocks are held.

The advice given is that the checklist at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/paye-starter-checklist will be updated in due course.


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