Labour market Enforcement Annual Report 2017/18
25 March 2019
In advance of the publication of the 2019/2020 Strategy, due in the Spring, the Director of Labour Market Enforcement has published the UK Labour Market Enforcement Annual Report for 2017/2018.
The Director of Labour Market Enforcement (DLME) is required to deliver an annual labour market enforcement strategy to the government by the end of each financial year.
The UK Labour Market Enforcement Strategy: Introductory Report for 2017/18 was published in July 2017 and focused primarily on the work of the three enforcement bodies, that includes:
- Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA)
- HMRC NMW Enforcement
- Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate
The DLME concludes in his report that:
‘... much work was undertaken by the enforcement bodies in the 2017/18 reporting period, in terms of both operational enforcement activity and education and awareness raising across the labour market enforcement landscape.
The three bodies within my remit have worked together across a variety of sectors, sharing valuable intelligence and operational expertise as a result. This has laid vital foundations for increased and ongoing joint working in the future, which I will continue to monitor and consider in future Strategies.
Looking ahead… assessing value for money in terms of enforcement activity and how this relates to each bodies’ use of resources is a priority for the Office of the Director of Labour Market Enforcement. This will be a central feature of my 2019/20 Enforcement Strategy...
Additionally, my Office will look to build on the work of the Information Hub …and, in collaboration with the bodies, seek to build upon the findings of the independent research commissioned by my Office. This will further expand our understanding of labour exploitation to inform and direct enforcement efforts in the future.'