Updated Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) tool published

25 November 2019

HMRC has released the new Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) tool and it is now available to use online.

The update note attached to the tool states that it “has been updated so if you do not know the worker, the tool will not ask questions about their circumstances”. Many have been eagerly awaiting the new version of the tool and HMRC has honoured its pledge that it would be available at some point before the end of the current year.

The tool can be accessed here. The Employment Status Manual is an invaluable guide for use alongside the CEST tool which will assist users in navigating and understanding it, therefore ensuring that it is being used correctly.

CIPP comment

The CIPP would like to thank its members for their input into the research and testing of the CEST tool, which would have undoubtedly factored in the creation of the new tool. If there are any issues with the operation of the tool on a technical level, please don't hesitate to contact the Policy team as we are always receptive to the feedback of our members. 

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