Budget 2021 - CJRS eligibility for periods from 1 May 2021
03 March 2021
In todays Budget, the chancellor announced that CJRS would be extended until September 2021. Although he gave detail on how much funding employers would receive under the extension to the scheme, he did not assert to the change in eligibility.
Guidance has now been updated to reflect the extension and gives detail into those who are eligible to be claimed under the scheme.
For claim periods starting on or after 1 May 2021, employers will now be able to include employees that were previously not eligible due to RTI submissions being sent after 30 October 2020. Guidance now states that all employees who have had a PAYE RTI submission made for them between 20 March 2020 – 2 March 2021 are now eligible to be included in a claim from May 2021. The eligibility for the periods March and April remains unchanged.
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