HMRC and Acas – joint webinar on managing sick leave and pay
29 May 2018
Do you have any questions about statutory sick pay or managing sick leave? HMRC is running a couple of free webinars hosted jointly with ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) on 1 and 12 June.
The webinars will include a brief summary of Statutory Sick Pay entitlement and how to manage sick leave and the impact it has on employment relations in the workplace. You can ask questions at any time using the on-screen text box.
Friday 1 June – 9 am to 10 am - Register now
Tuesday 12 June – 3pm to 4pm - Register now
If you haven’t joined a webinar (online presentation) before, HMRC has produced a guide which tells you what you need to do.
Further support for employers
For assistance at a time that suits you, visit the ‘Help and Support for employing people’ page on GOV.UK. You will find an excellent resource of live and recorded webinars, online guides and YouTube videos to support you in your capacity as an employer.