Expatriate tax and National Insurance contributions

08 March 2017

If you deal with paying expatriate employees, please let the Policy team know if you have any burning issues.

The Joint Forum on Expatriate tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs) is a partnership between HMRC, employers and professional and payroll advisers. The purpose of the Forum is to improve liaison between HMRC and its customers and the operation of the tax and NICs system for all international secondments of labour (inbound and outbound). The Forum meets approximately every three months and operates as a sub-group of the main Employment and Payroll Group.

In advance of the next Joint Forum on Expat tax and NICs the Policy team would like to know if there are any issues or questions you would like raised.

Caron Mason, our CIPP representative, will be attending the next Forum in May and will take any comments/suggestions/issues you may have to the meeting.

Please email Policy by Wednesday 15 March 2017 with any content you would like raised using ‘Expat Forum’ as the subject.

Minutes from previous Expat Forum meetings are all available on GOV.UK.