What is automatic enrolment trying to achieve?

24 October 2016

24 October 2016

“Automatic enrolment is about saving for a dignified standard of living.”

These are the words of Charles Counsell, Automatic Enrolment Executive Director who reminds us what automatic enrolment is all about and what it is trying to achieve.

“…We have a population where people are living much longer than they ever were – you can expect to live for 20 years in your retirement on average and that figure is increasing. Automatic enrolment (AE) is all about helping people save for their retirement, so that they have a dignified standard of living and that meets their expectations about how they may wish to live for those 20 years…

…Automatic enrolment is not a one-off event, it truly is changing the landscape of saving on a daily basis.”

Read what else Charles Counsell has to say in The Pensions Regulator’s blog.