2018/19 Tax Year guide for your employees

12 April 2018


Give your HR and Payroll teams a helping hand this month

It’s a new tax year and the time when payroll teams are inundated with queries from employees…

  • “Why has my net pay changed?”
  • “Why am I paying more / less tax?”
  • “Why have my pension contributions gone up?”  

Pre-empt these queries and educate your employees about the new tax year with this simple guide from PayDashboard, covering 2018 tax codes, tax bands, automatic enrolment contribution changes, and more.

The guide can be sent straight to your employees, put on your intranet, or added to your HR resources – whatever you want to do with it. Or if you run a payroll bureau why not download the guide and send it to your clients with their April payroll reports?

Get the guide


About PayDashboard

PayDashboard is a secure online payslip portal that integrates with your existing payroll software to deliver amazing digital payslips to employees. With employee financial education inbuilt into the system, as well as infographics and payroll reporting for employers, you’ll love the added features of PayDashboard over and above the payslip.

Whether you are an employer running payroll in-house, or an outsourced provider running a bureaux service, PayDashboard makes payday easier for everyone.

Find out more about how PayDashboard works