12 October 2023
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) wants to speak to you regarding the apprenticeship levy.
The apprenticeship levy was introduced in 2017 and HMRC would now like to understand how public sector organisations manage the payment and allowances related to the apprenticeship levy.
We are calling all CIPP members, dealing with payment or allowance of apprenticeship levy in the following four public bodies groups:
- local authorities
- political parties, trade unions & trade associations
- government departments & associated bodies.
HMRC will be inviting you to participate in a telephone interview to discuss your experiences of managing the apprenticeship levy in your organisation. The interview will last up to a maximum of 45 minutes. You have the right to refuse to answer any questions you do not feel comfortable with. However, the information you provide will remain strictly confidential and would help HMRC understand how improvement can be made to guidance, processes, and support offered.
Place your interest today by emailing the policy team on [email protected], stating the sector you are from.
All interviews need to be conducted by Thursday 26th October 2023.
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