08 November 2023

This morning, the Department for Business and Trade published its responses to the two consultations which ran earlier this year.  

The headline responses are as follows: 

  • the government won't proceed with proposals to introduce a 52-week holiday entitlement reference period, and instead entitlement will be calculated as 12.07% of hours worked in a pay period for irregular hours / part-year workers only 

  • the two existing rates of holiday pay will be maintained (Regulation 13 and Regulation 13A) and there won’t be a single annual leave entitlement created. This means workers will continue to receive: 

                                      - 4 weeks at normal rate of pay 

                                      - 1.6 weeks at basic rate of pay.

  • rolled-up holiday pay will be allowed, but for irregular hours / part-year workers only.  

There are currently no implementation dates provided as many of the changes require legislative intervention. 

The CIPP’s policy team are delighted to see that many of the suggestions and recommendations we put forward have been accepted by the government. We must now wait for further guidance and documentation from government about how this will work in practice.  

Members can see the CIPP’s response in the policy hub:  



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