CIPP member code of conduct

11 March 2020

Reviewed and approved by the Board in February 2020 in accordance with By-law No.15 a new member code of conduct has been put into action in order to apply with the requirements of the Chartered Status.

The requirements for The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals Rules of Professional Conduct entails that new members who join the Institute will need to confirm that they adhere to the code of conduct. This also applies to existing members when they come to their renewal date.

The code of conduct is a policy which is applied in order to serve all members of the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) during their professional employment. The code of conduct has now been written in a gender-neutral context and has been updated to reflect the current times. The code of conduct ensures that all members are guided through their journey with the (CIPP) and to serve the best interests of the public, the profession and their employer. The code of conduct is implemented with the aim to maintain high standards of practice and professional conduct.

All affiliate, associate, full, fellow and Chartered members are expected to support the aims of the Institute and are bound to uphold the standards prescribed in this document.